Understanding The Process of an Emancipation in Washington, Indiana

by | Jan 28, 2014 | Lawyer

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A process that legally allows minors to be functioning adults in society before they reach the age of majority is called Emancipation in Washington, Indiana. The age of maturity varies, but it is 18 or 19 in most states. Minors who have been emancipated can make their own decisions and be held legally responsible for those decisions. Their parents no longer has any influence or say over the minor’s life. The rights that are granted to an emancipated minor varies from state to state and how minors obtain emancipation can vary as well.

In most states, a minor can be emancipated by getting married, getting a court’s permission, or by joining the military. There are a handful of territories and states that allow a form of emancipation with the consent of the parents. Each state has a minimum age that it allows young people to get marriage and usually additional requirements. Most of the time, the minors have to be accompanied by their legal guardians, so Emancipation in Washington, Indiana through marriage is just obtaining the consent of the parents to be considered an adult. By joining the military, minors can be emancipated. However, the military requires a high school diploma or GED, so most minors are 17 or 18 years old in this situation.

Some states do allow minors to be emancipated by obtaining a court order. In most states, the minor has to be 16 years old or older. In California, teenagers age 14 or older can ask the court to be emancipated. The court only grants the petition if it is the best interest of the minor. Many factors are considered, but the main factors are: if the minor can support him/herself financially, if the minor no longer lives with parents, if the minor is mature enough to make his or her own decisions and be a functioning adult, and whether or not the minor has a high school diploma or is in school. The process varies from state to state, but usually the minor works with an attorney, such as one from the Feavel Law Office, to file a petition, the parents are notified, and a hearing is held. The court then denies the request or grants it by issuing a Declaration of Emancipation. You can Visit their website to learn more about how an attorney from the Feavel Law Office can help you.


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