Social Security Attorney: How Are Back Payments Determined?

by | Jun 4, 2014 | Lawyers

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After your Social Security Attorney helps you get your Social Security benefits approved, you may be entitled to more than just a monthly disability check. Your Social Security Attorney is going to tell you that there is a very real chance that you are owed back payments for all the time you should have been receiving Social Security benefits. There are a lot of things that go into determining how much money the Social Security office owes you in back payments.

Type of Different Back Payments

Back payments are awarded for the number of months between when you first applied for benefits and when you were approved for the benefits. The unfortunate truth is that it can take a very long time for a benefits application to be processed. Even with the help of a local law firm such as William D. McGillicuddy Law Office PC, you could be waiting for an extended period of time.

Even though you have to wait, you still need that money for all of the time you are spending waiting. When you get approved for benefits, the assumption is that you would have been approved months ago when you first applied. For this reason, they will calculate how much money you should have received in the months you spent waiting and then send you one large back payment check.

Back Payment Pays Lawyers

What most people do not know about Social Security lawyers and benefits is the fact that this type of lawyer only gets paid if they win your case and you are awarded back payments. Your lawyer can receive as much as 25 percent of your back payments, but not a penny more. Your lawyer is also only allowed to take a maximum payment of $6,000. This is just to protect individuals who are entitled to a sizable back pay by limiting how much money a lawyer is allowed to receive from it.

You will sign a contract and a payment arrangement agreeing to pay your lawyer with the back payment you receive. The Social Security office will review the payment agreement to make sure the lawyer is only receiving an amount of money they are rightfully entitled to. Connect with Facebook


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