Severity of Injuries and the Accident Attorney

by | Jun 7, 2014 | Lawyer

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The severity of injuries is very important when looking at the value of a personal injury case. If injuries are minor, there may be little or no compensation. It is not enough to prove that the defendant caused the victim’s injuries. If the victim did not suffer much of a loss due to a minor injury, the amount of compensation expected will be low. Even if the victim did suffer serious injuries, it is necessary for the Accident Attorney to prove it with medical evidence. That is why proving the severity of injuries is very important in personal injury cases.

An important part of proving a personal injury case is for the Accident Attorney to gather the medical evidence. This means it is necessary to get the victim’s medical records. This also implies that it is necessary for the victim to seek medical treatment and to cooperate with physicians who are rendering treatment. if the victim is missing appointments, that can be used as evidence by the defense that the victim is not really injured. That is why it is important for victims to complete all treatments prescribed by the doctors. The full extent of injuries will not be known until complete healing has been achieved. If the victim’s doctor believes that no further improvement of the medical condition will occur, that is when the lawyer can begin settlement discussions with the defendant.

It is very likely that the victim will need to see a doctor that has been hired by the defense. It is very important for victims to never exaggerate their symptoms. It is quite easy for doctors to figure out when victims are malingering. If the victim is caught lying, that can be used as evidence in a jury trial that the victim is neither trustworthy nor honest. A jury that is not sympathetic to the victim is unlikely to render an award that is high. That is why it is very important for victims to never lie and to never exaggerate their condition.

Proving the extent of the injuries is just as important as proving that the defendant caused the accident. The attorneys at Nettles Law Firm understand this. They will work to make sure that accident victims are able to prove the full severity of their injuries.



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