How to Protect Your Children from Personal Injuries

by | Jun 24, 2019 | Law

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Preventing Injuries to your Child

Children are at high risk for injury, but there are several things you can do to lower the chances of your child getting hurt. The leading causes of injury and death for children include car accidents, accidental poisonings, drowning, fires, falls, and suffocation. The good news is that many of these events can be avoided by following some simple safety tips.

The Safety Basics

Many childhood injuries can be prevented by taking some basic precautions inside and outside of the home. These include:

* Many childhood injuries can be prevented by taking some basic precautions inside and outside of the home. These include:
* Using the proper car seat, booster seat, or seat belt for your child’s size and age – every time he or she rides in a car.
* Make sure your child learns how to swim, and never leave them unattended in or near water.
* Keep all vitamins, medicines, and cleaning products out of sight and out of reach of your child.
* Make sure your child wears the proper safety equipment (i.e. pads, helmet) when playing or practicing sports.
* Use smoke alarms, make sure they are working by testing them as recommended. Make and practice a fire escape plan for your family.
* Babies should always be put to sleep on their backs. Create a safe sleeping space for them free of pillows, comforters, toys, and other soft objects that could cause suffocation. Never share your bed with your baby.

Pedestrians and Teen Drivers

Children, by their very nature, are curious and adventurous. These traits are important to ensure your child develops into a normal, self-sufficient adult. Nevertheless, it is our duty as parents to do all we can to ensure our child’s explorations do not result in serious injury. Although we cannot follow our children around every minute of the day, we can teach them to be careful.

One important statistic shows us the importance of teaching our children to be especially cautious when walking and crossing streets. In 2015, one in every five children who died in a vehicular accident was a pedestrian. Many of these deaths might have been prevented if the children involved had been more aware of their surroundings.

Another area of concern is when our children are no longer passengers in our cars but become teen drivers themselves. Although teenagers will often do what they want to do when away from their parents, consistent safety training and awareness during the formative years will help your child make better decisions as they pass into adulthood.

How an Experienced Cicero Personal Injury Lawyer Can Help

No matter how careful you are as a parent, there are simply some things you have no control over. If the unthinkable happens, and your child becomes seriously injured, you should speak with a knowledgeable Cicero personal injury lawyer as soon as possible.

Our dedicated legal team at Shea Law Group has handled thousands of injury claims, and we know what it takes to help you achieve the settlement you and your child are entitled to. Medical bills can be overwhelming. Don’t risk your financial future – give us a call at (877)-365-0040 to discuss your case with one of our compassionate personal injury attorneys during your free, no obligation consultation.

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