What to Know Before Hiring a Competent Child Custody Attorney in Athens TN

by | Jul 26, 2019 | Legal Services

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During the termination of a marriage, the divorce decree will stipulate whom the children will live with and under which circumstances the other parent will visit them. A child custody dispute can be resolved by the parting parents voluntarily through an agreement or by a judge when the couples cannot reach an agreeable decision. By working with an experienced child custody attorney in Athens TN, a person can be sure that their interests as a parent will be well protected. A competent child custody attorney has handled many similar cases before successfully. They can guide their client throughout the entire process. The following are some important details to know about child custody.

Types of Child Custody

There are four major types of child custody: Sole custody, joint custody, legal custody and physical custody. Sole custody means that one parent or guardian has both physical and legal custody over a child. Physical custody means that one parent has the right to share a home with the child and handle his or her daily needs. Legal custody means that a parent has the right to make vital decisions on behalf of the child including those related to health care, religion and education. Joint custody occurs when both parents share the rights and responsibilities for their child. Click here for more information.

The Three Primary Duties of Child Custody Attorney

     *     Deciding terms of child custody: An experienced child custody lawyer will work closely with all the parties involved determining the terms of child custody. They will make sure all rules and regulations are followed during the procedure.

     *     Case Planning and Management: A competent child custody lawyer will help their client draft all the necessary documents, review the case and file paperwork. The attorney will also represent their client ardently in court.

     *     Providing Legal Advice: A proficient child custody attorney can provide dependable legal advice on how to handle complex issues in child custody, such as couples changing their mind the last minute.

An experienced child custody attorney in Athens TN is committed to ensuring that the rights of their clients are well protected. The lawyer will offer the necessary support and counsel to navigate these types of cases professionally.

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