In New York, accident victims are required to file a claim according to no-fault laws. These requirements dictate that the victim must file a claim through personal injury protection first. They can file a formal claim under certain circumstances only. An Auto Accident Lawyer in Brooklyn NY area helps them to identify viable claims.
Identifying Insurance Requirements
No-fault states require vehicle owners to purchase liability auto insurance. They also require them to purchase some form of medical benefits. The purpose of these requirements is to reduce the probability of litigation. The policies cover the cost of the vehicle owner’s medical costs and covers liabilities for others involved in the accident.
Personal injury protection provides $25,000 for the vehicle owner with a maximum of $50,000. For wrongful death, the protection offers $50,000 with a maximum value of $100,000. It offers $10,000 for property damage. To evaluate these requirements more fully contact an Auto accident Lawyer now.
Identifying All Defendants
Severe injuries in which the costs exceed the maximum coverage value warrant a lawsuit. These injuries include broken bones, loss of function, permanent disabilities, and disfigurement. In these proceedings, the defendant isn’t always the other driver. Faulty auto repairs could deem the repair shop liable. If the parts are faulty, the manufacturer is liable. The investigation of the accident determines if it is a standard auto lawsuit or a product’s liability.
What is Vicarious Liability?
In New York, vicarious liability is applied when a party that isn’t the vehicle owner is involved in an accident. The driver must have the permission of the owner to operate the vehicle. If the owner can prove that permission wasn’t granted, they could avoid this liability. However, if the driver is under 18 and the child of the driver, they could incur the liability.
What Damages Are Awarded?
The total cost of medical treatment is awarded to victims. If they lose the function of extremities or organs, they’ll receive a lump sum settlement. Any long-term disabilities warrant a settlement that reflects the victim’s earning potential throughout their lives.
Auto accident laws in New York pertain to a no-fault ruling. The mandatory requirements for auto insurance includes personal injury protection. Vehicle owners who don’t comply with these laws incur penalties. If they are responsible for severe injuries, they could be liable. To learn more about these claims, contact an Auto Accident Lawyer in Brooklyn NY today.