An Estate Law Attorney in Bel Air MD Might Help a Client Write a Durable Power of Attorney

by | Oct 7, 2015 | Lawyer

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A durable power of attorney can give a person control over how their health care will be managed even if they aren’t able to communicate their wishes to their doctors. Anyone who is legally and mentally able to make their own decisions can appoint another person to act as their representative when it comes to decisions regarding their health care in case they ever become incapacitated. These are specific conditions which need to be met in order for this document to be legally binding so it’s important for anyone who wants to create a durable power of attorney to consult an Estate Law Attorney in Bel Air MD.

It’s important to understand the scope and the limits of this document before signing. A person who wishes to assign someone else to make healthcare decisions on their behalf should make their own wishes clear to that person. While most people choose a family member for this role, some elect to assign another person because they aren’t certain their family members would be emotionally able to abide by their wishes. However, even though a person might feel comfortable with their own physician making medical decisions for them, it is not possible to name someone who is directly or indirectly involved in providing healthcare services to the patient as the power of attorney.

By working with an experienced Estate Law Attorney in Bel Air MD, a client can be confident they know about all of their option and that the documents are prepared so they will be enforceable if or when it becomes necessary. An Attorney at Law, such as Michael S. Birch, who has been practicing law for over 35 years, is a great choice for people who need to plan for unforeseen circumstances. No one can know if they will ever need a durable power of attorney. Without one in place when it’s needed, family members may need to go to court to get assigned the ability to make those types of decisions on a loved one’s behalf. This process can waste valuable time and should be avoided whenever possible by planning in advance of a crisis.

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