Being charged with a crime can be confusing. If you have recently been charged with a crime you may feel like you do not know where to turn for accurate and helpful information. Consulting with a criminal attorney in Hagerstown, MD can help to clear up any confusion you may be experiencing and prepare you for trial. Criminal attorneys understand the intricacies of criminal law. A criminal attorney can help you understand what it is that you are being charge with and can represent you in your criminal case. In the meantime, here is some information that may be helpful as you try to sort out your situation.
You know that you are dealing with criminal charges if you have been arrested. There are two categories of criminal charges-misdemeanors and felonies. Within these categories, crimes are ranked by the severity of the crime. Being charged with a crime does not prove that you are guilty. It just means that charges are being brought against you and a court will need to decide if you have actually committed the crime. If you have criminal charges against you, you may want to consider hiring a criminal attorney in Hagerstown, MD to defend you. A criminal attorney understands the laws behind obtaining and presenting evidence and may be able to help throw out evidence in court that was illegally obtained or that is not applicable to your case.
If you have been charged with a crime one of the most important things for you to understand is that you have rights. There are two very important rights that are in place to protect you. The first is that you do not have to speak to any authorities when you are arrested or served with criminal charges. You are required to provide your correct name and address to the authorities, but you do not have to share any other information about the events surrounding the criminal charges. The second right you have that is really important is your right to an attorney. As soon as you are charged with a crime it is a good idea to call a criminal attorney in Hagerstown, MD to get help with the criminal case that has been brought against you. A criminal attorney can help defend all of your rights and make sure that you are properly represented in a court of law.
Criminal Attorney Hagerstown, MD – A criminal attorney in Hagerstown, MD can help you understand your rights. Call a criminal attorney in Hagerstown, MD to get advice on how to best handle the criminal charges you are facing.