Have You Talked to a Personal Injury Attorney about Your Slip and Fall Case?

by | Oct 2, 2017 | Lawyers and Law Firms

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Normally, a slip and fall case falls under the domain of premises liability law – a law that requires property owners to assume damages for injuries that occur on their property. In California, premises liability law also concerns cases that involve negligence.

Therefore, if you slip and fall on another person’s property, a personal injury attorney must show that a duty existed, on the defendant’s part, to use due care and that there was a breach in this legal obligation. In addition, he or she must prove that the breach was the reason for the slip and fall injury.

Premises Liability Covers More Than Just Slip and Fall Cases

While most premises liability actions in the past have involved slip and fall actions, this type of legal issue is not limited solely to slip and fall situations. A personal injury attorney must also show negligence in premises liability lawsuits that involve dog bites or construction accidents. Any time the behavior of a third person is negligent and an incident occurs on the defendant’s property, you need to obtain legal assistance.

When a personal injury attorney represents a client in a premises liability case, he or she must show that a duty was owed to the injured victim by considering the following:

* The foreseeability of the victim’s injury
* The certainty that the victim suffered
* The link between the defendant’s behavior and the ultimate suffering
* The blame connected to the defendant’s behavior
* The cost and the insurance taken out for the involved risk

Work with a Specialist in Personal Injury Cases

The above list includes just a few of the considerations that are made in this type of personal injury case. Indeed, this type of legal matter must be carefully reviewed. That is why you need to work with a lawyer that is well-versed in this particular legal area.

You can find out more about your rights in this regard by speaking to Company Name. Give him a call today at 310-328-6650.You can pay a visit to Facebook page for more information!

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