How Does Maritime Law Figure Into Worker’s Compensation Claims?

by | Oct 19, 2020 | Uncategorized

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Since humans began to travel far and wide across oceans and other bodies of water, there was a growing need to determine which countries had jurisdiction should a crime happen while on these bodies of water. Eventually, some laws became known as maritime law. So how exactly does maritime law for Joliet ship/dock workers figure into worker’s compensation claims today?

Maritime Law Can Influence How Water-Related Employers Pay Attention to Worksite Safety

These laws today help victims to get compensation from their employers if they were hurt while aboard a ship or working on a dock. A local workers compensation attorney can help victims hurt in these situations determine if maritime law in Joliet applies or not. Having these laws on the books can help motivate employers responsible for a ship or water-related jobs to ensure that the worksite remains safe to protect the employees and bystanders.

There Is Only a Narrow Window of Time to File Maritime Claims

If a fisherman working on a fishing boat becomes seriously injured and somehow falls into the deep water, does the employer have to jump in to save the employee or not? As a general rule yes, an employer must attempt rescue immediately unless risks to self or other employers are too great. Workers hurt while aboard maritime vessels only have 30 days to notify their employer of any work-related injury.

Contact an Attorney Familiar with Maritime Law in Joliet

Contact Block, Klukas, Manzella & Shell PC. Visit their website today.

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