Just about everyone would agree that drinking or consuming drugs and then getting behind the wheel of a vehicle is a mistake. However, for a lot of people it is the mistakes they make after they get arrested for a DUI that make a bad situation worse. One of the best things you can do for yourself and your record is being aware of what you should do and should not do after you’ve been arrested for a DUI.
Using Legal Drugs as if They Were Illegal Ones
One of the biggest mistakes that people make with DUIs is assuming that it only stands for driving while drunk. Even certain legal drugs can lead to a DUI if you are using the wrong way. For example, are you taking a prescription drug that specifically states that you should not operate a vehicle while you are taking it? There is a reason for that disclaimer. Being under the influence of anything that impairs your ability to drive can get you a DUI.
Thinking You Can Still Drive
As soon as you take a sip of alcohol you need to just lose those car keys. No amount of drugs or alcohol is acceptable to consume before getting behind the wheel. It is better to be safe than sorry. You do not want to think you are well enough to drive and then get in an accident that will cause you to regret the decision for the rest of your life.
Talking Too Much
When you get arrested, the officer is going to read you your rights. You need to listen to them carefully. Then, the best thing you can do is not saying anything. You do not want to say anything that the officer could use against you. Your DUI Lawyer in Smithsburg, MD is going to have a hard time proving your innocence if you say too much.
Overall, the biggest mistake that a person can make is not hiring a DUI Lawyer in Smithsburg, MD. A DUI Lawyer in Smithsburg MD is the only individual other than yourself that cares whether or not you do time or pay some outrageous fine. Too many people make the mistake of thinking they can handle their DUI case on their own. It is not until it is too late that they wish they would have just hired a DUI Lawyer in Smithsburg, MD to help them.