The Qualifications of Work Comp in Indianapolis

by | Nov 1, 2012 | Lawyer

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If you have been injured on the job, your first thought may not be on the worker’s compensation you are qualified for. However, because of the time restrictions placed on reporting incidents to qualify, it is important to know when you qualify for work comp in Indianapolis. Without this knowledge, you may miss out on your opportunity to get the compensation you deserve for your injury. Therefore, it is important to know how to qualify.

Company Requirements

According to law, most companies are supposed to carry worker’s comp insurance in case any of their employees are injured on the job. The amount the company must pay relates to the risk factors of the company. Before you file your claim, make sure your company carries the proper worker’s comp insurance or you will find yourself financially obligated to cover all the medical bills you accrue.

Employment Status

To file a claim for work comp in Indianapolis, you must be an employee of the company at the time of the accident. If you are visiting the company because you are interviewing for a position or you come to pick up your last pay check after you quit, you will not be eligible for this coverage. Therefore, you need to be sure of your employment status at the time of the incident to ensure you are covered before you file a claim.

Work-Related Injury

To qualify for worker’s comp, you need to have suffered an injury directly related to your job. For instance, if your hand is crushed in a machine you were operating on the job, you will qualify for worker’s comp benefits. However, if you were outside on a smoking break and slipped and broke your arm, you may not qualify for worker’s comp benefits because it wasn’t related to the job. You may still qualify for some compensation from this type of accident, though.

Work comp in Indianapolis isn’t always as cut and dried as it would seem. This is why it is so important to make sure you know if you qualify before you go ahead and file a claim. First, you need to make sure your company actually has the required coverage. Then you need to make sure you were an employee at the time of the accident. Finally, the accident needs to be directly related to your work to qualify for this type of coverage.




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