“War on Drugs” Means You Could Be Facing Charges that Are Easily Disproved by Your Attorney

by | Apr 10, 2012 | Law And Legal Services

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There probably isn’t anyone in all of Kent County, MI who is not familiar with the government’s “War on Drugs.” Always a cause célèbre among lawmakers, politicians, and law enforcement, the war on drugs is one of those issues that makes for a great speech or presentation, but is difficult to carry out in the real world. Consequently, drug arrests continue to rise as police make a concerted effort to show that they are seriously engaged in this war, but convictions remain generally constant. The reason is often that police are making arrests in order to show good faith in the effort, understanding all along that many charges will not stick for a variety of reasons. This is why it is so important to have a specialized drugs and narcotics attorney when facing drug charges in Kent County, MI. Your attorney will most likely be able to get the charges reduced or, in some cases, dropped altogether.

With the recent presidential primary here in Kent County, MI, the drug war received some renewed attention. However, except in the most obvious of drugs or narcotics trafficking, it is often difficult for law enforcement and prosecutors to make charges involving drugs or narcotics stick. There are many reasons why the possession of drugs or narcotics is difficult for the state to prove.

One reason can be because the accused is actually innocent of the allegations. In addition, many times evidence is procured in ways that are unconstitutional. When that occurs, the evidence cannot be admitted, basically rendering the case useless. Sometimes, it can be difficult to prove actual possession since the drugs or narcotics pretty much have to be in the accused’s hands or pockets. Drugs or narcotics that are on a nearby table, in a glove box or even in a bag or backpack do not necessarily belong to the person they were found near.

Obviously, with all of the uncertainty that can be found in drugs and narcotics charges, you will want to have an attorney working on your case if you are accused. A drugs and narcotics attorney who is familiar with the Kent County, MI court system can be a valuable asset when working to beat charges dealing with drugs and narcotics. If there is a way to get the charges against you dropped without taking the case to trial, a good attorney will be able to find it. If you do end up appearing before a judge or jury, your attorney will work for the best possible outcome to the drugs or narcotics charges you are facing.




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