When Filing for Disability Benefits, Should You Battle Social Security’s Rules and Regulations on Your Own?

by | Feb 11, 2014 | Lawyer

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Dealing with a new disability can be difficult and it may have forced you to stop working. If you’ve decided to file for disability benefits, this may be your first time dealing with Social Security. You may not know where to start, or you may have done some research, but either way you probably have realized how difficult and complicated Social Security law can be. In order to increase your chances of winning your case and receiving your benefits, consider enlisting the help of an experienced attorney.

How Can a Lawyer Help Me?
It’s important to have someone who is familiar with Social Security law. North Carolina disability benefits involve a lengthy process and it can take years before you even have a chance to present your case to a judge. Legal professionals can give you helpful advice, make the process easier, and help you have the best possible chance of an approval.

Chances of Winning
Using a lawyer does not guarantee that the judge will rule in your favor, but it can increase your chances of winning the case.  Experienced lawyers know what makes a credible case and can help you make sure that you are doing everything possible to get a favorable outcome. Your attorney can give advice to you and your doctor to ensure that you are all working together to present the strongest possible case. Also, law firms can send your doctor forms that identify specific limitations and better document your functional capacity. This additional information helps the judge to better understand the scope of your medical difficulties and supports your disability claim.

What If My Case is Denied by the Judge?
There are many reasons that the judge may deny a claim, but if you have an attorney on your side, this does not have to be the end of your case. You can file an appeal with the Appeals Council and continue the fight. An appeal will allow your lawyer to outline any mistakes the judge may have made, and if successful on the appeal, your case will typically be scheduled for another hearing.

If you’ve been unable to work due to a disability, contact The Clauson Law Firm, PLLC to learn more information about disability benefits. Visit their website at www.clausonlaw.com to learn how their law firm is dedicated to helping the disabled.

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