If you’ve been involved in a motor vehicle accident, you might think that you simply have to go through your insurance company to get them to work with insurance company of the other party to receive a settlement for your injuries and damage to your car. However, it may not be that simple. Insurance companies are on the lookout for themselves before anyone else and will make the process as difficult as possible when working with an individual on a claim. In the end, they may try to offer you a very low settlement, which you may end up accepting even though you probably deserve much more. This is where the importance of an accident attorney comes in.
If you’re injured and it’s due to the negligence of the other driver, you’re going to have medical bills to deal with, not to mention the time you’ll require to heal up and get better. During this time you may not be able to work, so you’ll have lost income to worry about as well. Trying to fight with an insurance company is just an added stress that you don’t need, and since the outcome likely won’t be the best, an accident attorney is the key to receiving what you really deserve and also makes it so they’re fighting the battle for you. They are the ones who will be working with the insurance company and pressing for an appropriate settlement amount, and you’ll only have to work with your lawyer, who is the one on your side, not fighting against you.
You will absolutely want an accident attorney if you or a passenger in your vehicle received a permanent, life altering injury. As well, if there was a death involved, the need for an attorney is especially great. In cases such as these, an accident attorney is going to push for a very large settlement to which you are entitled but would otherwise be very difficult to obtain were you to attempt to go about it on your own. These kinds of cases may even go to trial to ensure that you receive the absolute maximum you are entitled to.
Another very good reason to hire an attorney in the event of a motor vehicle accident is to ensure that you are able to fully prove that the other party was at fault. An insurance company may balk at paying out if you’re unsure about how to go about proving your claim, but your attorney will know just how to handle the situation. As long as you provide all the documentation, you’ll be certain to win your case with a good accident attorney.
Do you need a motor vehicle accident attorney in Hempstead? Stern & Stern Law Firm is waiting to assist you!