Working with Wrongful Death Lawyers in Lake City, FL

by | Apr 30, 2018 | Lawyers

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When a wrongful death occurs, family members are usually left behind with measurable damages. They have the right to pursue the one who caused their loved one’s death, though. To pursue a wrongful death claim, it is vital to seek help from wrongful death lawyers in Lake City, FL. A lawyer will help the person to better understand their rights and what can be done to pursue compensation.

How to Get Started

The first step is scheduling a consultation meeting with the wrongful death lawyers in Lake City, FL. Before the appointment, the family members or representative of the estate must gather any pertinent documents they may have. It is also wise for them to write down any facts about the death along with any questions they may want to ask the lawyer.

At the consultation meeting, the details of the case will be discussed. The lawyer will advise the family on whether or not their case is viable and their legal options. It is imperative the family takes notes so they can benefit from this valuable information.

What Can Individuals Expect?

If the lawyer agrees to take on the case, an investigation will be launched. The state of Florida offers a generous four-year statute of limitations to allow injured victims time to seek a lawsuit. The plaintiffs must be able to prove four important elements of their wrongful death claim:

  • The defendant must have owed a duty of care to the deceased person.
  • The duty of care must have been broken by the defendant.
  • The break in the duty of care must have directly caused the death.
  • The family must have suffered measurable damages from the death.

If your family has suffered the loss of a loved one due to another person’s negligence, it is imperative you seek help from a wrongful death lawyer. To learn more about your options, visit Call the office today and they will be happy to schedule your consultation appointment so you can get started.

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